It was day three of the fitness expo today, and i am pretty tired. I did not work the hours of the other Powerplate people, though, as juggling the baby with my mum and husband away was a logistal exercise. The others must be exhausted, they are amazing. Anyway, i would not have missed today for anything, as i met some fantastic people, and thought i would share them with you.
The first guy was a certificate 3 trainer, in his 70's, who went to tafe a couple of years ago to get his qualification. He was so excited about learning, and helping others, open minded, and intelligent. It was a great conversation. I love these people who do things because they can, not constantly looking for reasons why not. He has a regular class at Ryde Leagues Club, where he takes a group of over 55's through their paces. I think it must be so nice for that group to train with a man in the same situation that they are in, that truely understands them, rather than a dewy-eyed 20-something with no real idea of what they face everyday (i can say that because that is exactly what i was 10yrs ago!).
Another man was recovering from a car accident. He was knocked into pieces from his bike a couple of months ago, after having been in the fitness industry only one week. The fitness expo coincided with the first weekend he was able to cycle again. Guess how he got to Darling Harbour for the expo? To me that seemed so brave. I was knocked off my bike once, not even seriously injured, and haven't really ridden on the road since. I ride my road bike on the footpath!!
The Fitness Expo is always an eye opener. Even the "freak show" - the muscle men (and women) in the supplement and bodybuilding stalls- have things to teach me, and lessons that make me a better trainer or human. I have no desire to put the work in to become one of them, my goal is simply to physically be able to do anything i wish to do. Still i admire the depth of their knowledge about nutrition and exercise, and what they achieve with this.
I like to share these stories with you, because people like this are living and breathing examples of what can be achieved when you set your mind to something.
What is consistant is this:
1) set a goal
2) work out what it takes to do it
3) do it