Plan A was to circumnavigate Narrabeen Lake, about 10km, climbing around fences to do it.
That quickly changed to Plan B when the weather didn't clear, which was to walk the bike track around the eastern side of the lake to the beach and back.
That changed again with this comment, and the fact that the bike trail was flooded (yes i checked), so we confined ourselves to the gym.
The session was a cross-fit inspired one. For any of you who have done cross-fit, you know how intense it can be. I don't follow their exercise selection, but i do enjoy their format, and so adapted it for a hiking workout from hell.
The goal was to complete 100 reps of each exercise (see for the full workout) in under an hour. After that, we have 4 choices:
- leave early
- sit on a bike and yell "encouragement"
- assist those still going with a hand-up
- keep training and add the extra numbers to someone else's score
No-one left early! It was a nice feeling when Sandra pitched in and finished my set of thrusters for me, and then we all did an extra 16 of the pack lift for Lisa (although Lisa probably did twice as many as the rest of us in everything - she got a little confused...!)
We puffed, our legs are shot, but we are that little bit stronger and more ready for Peru!